
Work Experience at Ericsson

I was accepted onto the Ericssons Work Experience programme this year. The building was amazing, we got a tour of the facility’s and seeing all the computers, desks, open areas, different meeting rooms with people inside talking on teams and even a room with a pool table was really interesting.

We heard presentations about data analytics, telecommunications in particular the work Ericsson’s are doing with 5G, we also learned about the various careers in ICT from people that work in Ericssons.

As part of the work placement we worked in teams to create websites using HTML and CSS code, we also made a media player with our own designs using the android app.

We finished the week with an introduction to python, we made many games such as guess the number and Rock Paper Scissors. This introduction was great as Python is part of the Leaving Cert Computer Science course so have gained an insight into this computer language, which is great. Over all I really enjoyed my time there and would recommend it to anyone with an interest in computer science related careers.


Cormac Murphy, TY Student.