Welcome To the Teacher Support Area
People have an inbuilt capacity to adapt. This is what is at the heart of resilience. Most children and young people will have weathered this storm and emerged stronger and with new skills. But for some, adapting and managing the challenges has been hard. The links below can take you to wellbeing resources and supports that you may find useful in supporting your students during this school year.
Spectrum Life Employee Assistance Service
You are invited to attend Spectrum.Life Employee Assistance Service (EAS) online information session. During this presentation we will provide a detailed overview of Spectrum.Life’s EAS that is available to all school staff.
The EAS provides in-the-moment mental wellbeing support and advice to all school staff on a range of issues including wellbeing, bereavement, conflict and mediation, with short-term counselling also available. The EAS is a free, fully confidential service that supports school staff and their immediate families as they work through any personal or work-related concerns. The service is provided by Spectrum.Life and funded by the Department of Education.
The EAS is much more than just a counselling service and this presentation will talk you through some of the wellbeing benefits, how you can access it and who can access it from your family.
This presentation is less than 30 minutes long.
We will leave some time for Q&A. Please note that this session is open to all school staff to attend. The session will be held once per quarter, please see below dates for 2023/2024. Please click on the zoom link below the date to attend. You can access through your browser, there is no need to download the application.
Monday 4th March 2024 – 4:30pm – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84615289469
Tuesday 4th June 2024 – 4:30pm – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84615289469