Student Groups

Why Mentoring is a Must for Moate CS

Goals & Objectives

One very important source of support for a student is their peers. Young people in distress often turn first to a peer for help and look to older students as role models. Mentoring programmes build on this natural resource. Research suggests, that with the right type or training, facilitation and support, older students provide valuable peer support to younger students.
There are many advantages of mentoring systems to both the school in terms of promoting a positive ethos and to the individual participants.

Programme Goals

Promotes the idea of the school as being a supportive caring community
Increases students feelings of belonging and commitment to the school
Promotes the idea of students and staff working together.
Objectives for Mentors
An increase in self esteem
A sense of belonging to a team
A growing feeling of responsibility
A belief that they are contributing to the school community
Objectives for 1 st Year Students
Improved attitudes of younger towards older students.
Improves school attendance
Students feel they have someone to talk to if they need help

A prefect’s duties are:

• To assist first year Class Tutors in creating good class spirit.
• To operate one/way system.
• To assist with Canteen supervision.
• To control entrance/exits.
• To supervise locker areas and toilets.
• To assist at school functions.

This committee consists of students who volunteer their time and energy to ensure the smooth running of activities for students at lunch time. All have an interest in sport and enjoy working within the school.

The duties are:

• To assist and supervise during lunchtime.
• To organise inter-class games at lunchtime.
• To report any irregularities or damages to school property .

A student’s council (Junior/Senior) is in operation in our school. The Council involves a representative from each class. These representatives will be democratically elected by their peers.

The duties of the council will be:

• To represent the view of students.
• To arrange regular meetings with Co coordinator /teacher in attendance.
• To act as class rep.
• To report any irregularities to tutors.
• To report on any damages etc. to the classrooms.
• To liaise with other committees and groups in the school.

The Student Care Team is a new group within the School which was founded in October. With a membership of in excess of 25 students it has proved to be a vibrant and exciting group. The team comprises of members from Transition Year, Fifth Year and Sixth Year. A lot of students were encouraged to join after the experience of the Youth Night in the St. Patrick’s Church in September and many who participated that night are now members of MCS’s Student Care Team.

From the outset, students in MCS have been encouraged to be team players, and as part of this new and upcoming group in the school, this team of students contribute to the running of the school just like the Mentors, Prefects, Student Council or Games Committee. A key aim is to reach out to the local community.

Our Green Schools Committee meets each week to discuss problematic areas in our school based on the following environmental themes:

Waste & Recycling
We received our Waste and Recycling flag in 2009. To maintain our flag we are ensuring that our litter black spots remain litter free and that our recycling collection of paper and plastic bottles remains part of our weekly agenda.

Energy Conservation
In 2011, after working for two years on the theme of Energy Conservation, we were awarded our second green flag. To achieve this flag we needed to raise awareness throughout our school on how to conserve energy both at home and in our school environment. To maintain our high level of energy conservation we continue to carry out regular spot checks within the school. This is to ensure that all teachers and students continue to abide by our ‘Energy Saving Checklist’ which is present in all classrooms.

Water Conservation
We are currently working towards our third green flag which is based on the theme of Water Conservation. Our first step after researching the levels of water used in our school was to create our ‘Top Ten Tap Tips’ which are available to you through our school website. We are continuing to work towards creating awareness to students in our school on this theme in the hope that these methods of conservation will be put to good use in their home also.
As a committee it is important that we maintain the two flags that have already been awarded as well as working towards achieving the Water Conservation flag. Through the work of our committee we hope that we raise enough awareness so that fellow students bring these environmental conservation methods home.
We wish to thank you for your ongoing support and co-operation in our tasks.

Where it all began

The first green schools committee was formed in 2006. It has been on-going since then. The Committee was initially formed in conjunction with the Geography Department and The Young Environmentalist Awards. The committee consists of on average 20 students from all year groups. We meet on a weekly/fortnightly basis where we discuss our progress and our yearly targets .

Between 2006 and 2008, we focussed on the area of litter reduction and recycling. We achieved Green Flag status in May 2008. There are only approximately 5 secondary schools in the Westmeath area with the Green flag.

Some of the Improvements implemented since our formation in 2006:
3 types of bin in every classroom (general waste, paper and bottles)
Recycling of Mobile Phones (Jack and Jill Foundation) and ink Cartridges
Green schools notice board
Publications in “News-links”
Compost bin
Highlighting black spot areas
Recording data on collections of paper/bottles
Action days
Link with tidy towns committee
Surveys, Memos
General Environmental awareness
Recycling Week

A Health Promoting School team has been developed within Moate Community School which includes members of staff, students, parents/guardians. This team are actively working to develop actions and create awareness which will help to make our school more health aware. The HPS team are striving to provide opportunities for promoting health within the curriculum, the physical environment and the social environment of the school.

What do we do for our First years?

Co-ordinate the development of a First Year Handbook which provides key information to incoming students prior to their first day at MCS.

Develop a programme of activities and a schedule of staff supervision for first day back to school. This programme is designed to enable students to get to know new classmates and to develop a degree of comfort in their new surroundings before formal classes begin.

Assign mentors to first year groups, to work with and support incoming students.

  • Co-ordinate mentors preparations in August for First Day Programme.
  • Direct and co-ordinate mentors as they conduct Day 1 activities.

Organise and facilitate the Mentor Training Programme for new members

  • Develop a schedule of weekly clubs, designed to facilitate social integration of all first students.
  • Co-ordinate and supervise club activities.
  • Conduct regular mentor meetings to monitor and support mentors in their work with our new students.
  • Conduct meetings to organise numerous events throughout the school year

Organise and co-ordinate many events throughout the school year, to promote fun and pride and a sense of belonging in all our new students. First year students are provided with an opportunity to participate in such events as:

  • Halloween
  • Christmas Party
  • Memorial tree planting
  • Visits to local nursing home
  • Easter Egg Hunt
  • Time capsule

Co-ordinate the participation of mentors in first year workshops such as Communication, Anti-bullying and Study Skills and Substance Abuse Awareness.

  • Provide articles and photographs documenting all activities, for school and local publications.
  • Design and develop promotional pamphlet, detailing all aspects of our programme for distribution to parents.

Co-ordinate mentor attendance at all first year evening events such as; First Year Mass, First Year Information Night, and first year Parent/Teacher Conferences.