Rotary Youth Leadership Development Competition 2019 at Moate CS
This competition is promoted throughout the rotary clubs in the Republic of Ireland and in Northern Ireland to identify, and recognise students with exemplary leadership skills based on their extra-curricular activities. It is also one of their longest running youth projects and this attests to its success over the years.
The school round of this competition recently took place at Moate Community School following on from a meeting with prospective applicants. Those students who expressed their interest applied to take part in the school round of interviews which were conducted by two members of Athlone Rotary Club, Mr. Tom Mulligan and Mr. Paddy Deavy. Two students were selected from the interviews to go on and represent the school in the Club Round of the competition to be held in early November.
Johnny Horan and Michelle Flynn was selected to compete in the next round of the competition and we wish them well in their quest to follow in the footsteps of recent school, club and Regional Champions, Emma Kelly and Deborah Fakeye. Both girls travelled to the Euroscola in Strasbourg to participate in a variety of debates with students from all over Europe and it was a terrific experience for them, hence the desire for Johnny and Michelle to have this experience too.