
By Emma Keane

On Thursday the 6th of October, we attended the Technology & Innovation Day in Ericsson, Athlone. We showcased our project, ‘Coding the solution to Ireland’s scam call issue’, which we were awarded First Place in the Junior Technology category at BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition (BTYSE) 2022. For this project, we created an app that can detect fraudulent scam calls, and issue alerts. We really enjoyed the day in Ericsson, Athlone. While we were there, we presented our project to Ericsson employees, other students and visitors to Tech Day. My favourite part was talking with many people who were all interested in the different projects on display. We preferred this way of showcasing our project rather than the virtual judging at BTYSE 2022 because we found it was easier to talk to people face to face.  When we were finished talking about our project, we were able to take a look around the Ericsson building. We were shown projects by Ericsson employees, which really impressed us. We also enjoyed the busy atmosphere of the whole day which excited us to further develop our project.
