Moate Community School had another immensely successful year at the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition in Dublin’s RDS. Five major Category Awards as well as Highly Commended and Display Awards were achieved.

A total of eight Scientific, Maths and Technology projects from MCS were presented by the seventeen MCS students over the four days at the exhibition.

The school is immensely proud and delighted with the students’ achievements.

Transition Year Students

Gavin Quilty and Fionn Murphy, with their project Generating Power by Harnessing Swells Close to the Seashore, were awarded Second Place in the Intermediate Technology Group Category.

Leah Pillion, Aoibh Larkin and Kayla Moran, with their project Botanical Barriers: Harnessing Plant Compounds for UV Protection During Nail Treatments, were awarded Second Place in the Intermediate Health and Wellbeing Group Category.

Aoife Ross, Katie Creggy and Katie McHugh, with their project Fungi Civil War: Using Birch Polypore to Develop a Treatment Spray for Bovine Ringworm, received a Display Award.

Hollie Field, Saoirse Lynam and Heidi Shellam, with their project Electrobloom: An Electroculture Growth Chamber to Increase the Germination and Yield of Protected Crops were Highly Commended.

Sophie Padden and Grace Galvin, who were originally on the reserve list for the exhibition, also presented their project, Is High Performance in Sport out of Reach for Short People?


Second Year Students

Allie Duffy and Aoife Howlin, with their project Nutri-Flo: Natural Tree Nut Water Filter for Cattle Drinkers, were awarded First Place in the Junior Chemical, Physical and Mathematical Sciences Category.

Lucy Carroll, with her project Methane Busters: Harnessing Tannins & Feed Additives to Clean Up Slurry Tanks, was awarded First Place in the Junior Biological and Ecological Sciences Category.

Mollie Quinn, with her project Crouch – Bind – Set… PROTECT! was awarded Third Place in the Junior Individual Technology Category as well as a Display Award.