Welcome To Moate Community School
Moate Community School was established on the 1st September 1996 as a result of an amalgamation between Convent of Mercy Secondary School, Carmelite College and Moate Vocational School.
At present the school has an enrolment of 820 secondary students, 430 PLC students and 130 staff. An extensive building project was completed in December 2001.
Parents Handbook

Handbook for Parents/Guardians of incoming 1st Years

Guidance Resources for Parents & Students
Guidance PageSee what our Transition Years are doing

Head over to our Transition Year page to see the latest news
TYMCS Uniform

Learn more about our new MCS PE Uniform
UniformParents Information
Click here for information on the day to day running of the school covering all topics from lockers to supervised study…..
Latest News
Five major awards for Moate at this years’ BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition
Moate Community School had another immensely successful year at the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition in Dublin’s RDS. Five…
Success for MCS at the SciFest National Final
Following his Runner-Up Best Project and EirGrid Cleaner Energy awards at the Regional Final of SciFest, 5th year Fionn Campbell…
Junior Golfer of the Year in Moate Golf Club
Congratulations to Daragh Deegan who won Junior Golfer of the Year in Moate Golf Club and was presented with the…
MCS Hosts College & Career Fair
On Tuesday November 5th Moate Community School hosted a College & Career Fair for its senior students and 6th years…