Moate students support the launch of St Hilda’s Sensory Unit in the Park
It was a bright sunny October morning when Moate TY students joined the young adults of St Hilda’s Services for the launch of their Interactional Sensory Unit in the Garden at Dún Na Sí Amenity and Heritage Park. The students had helped in preparation for the launch by revamping the Butterfly Feature, tidying and weeding around the Sensory Garden.
There was a great turnout from the local community as well as representatives from St Hilda’s Athlone for the launch. The St Hilda’s group with the support of Ballinahown based artist Rosemary Langtry, put together the Sensory Unit which incorporates features to stimulate the senses of sight, smell, touch and hearing. Councillor Frankie Keena, Mayor of Athlone spoke very highly of the wonderful amenity of the Garden and thanked the various people involved.
A new group of the current TY students are continuing to develop the Sensory Garden as part of their community involvement and biodiversity appreciation. The focus this year is to create a Sensory/Tactile Path, along with maintaining the existing features. The students are already showing their individual skills and enjoying their interaction with various groups in the community.