Moate CS First Year bonding day
September has been a very busy month in Moate Community School, in particular for the newest members of our school community, namely our first year students. These students have settled in very well to school life and seem to be coping with the transition to secondary school and all the new challenges and opportunities this brings.
On Monday September 23rd first years and some of their teachers travelled to Jump Lanes in Liffey Valley Dublin, for the customary bonding day. This is a great opportunity for all to relax, have some fun and get to know each other a little better. On arrival students were subdivided into five smaller groups and for the following two hours enjoyed the activities on offer. They certainly are an energetic bunch and no challenge was too much! After refueling on pizza it was time for some retail therapy before heading back to school.
We would like to wish all our first year students all the very best for the year ahead.