Geography Field Trip.

Last month Leaving Certificate Geography students were finally able to undertake their Field Study which was previously delayed due to Covid 19 restrictions.

Equipped with masks, gloves and hand sanitizer students packed waders, recording sheets and all the equipment necessary to study Fluvial Processes in the Breensford River.

Social Distancing Rules required that several trips were made to accommodate all Geography students.

Smaller groups insured that everyone was busy with all the tasks of measuring, recording and sketching the meander in the river.

Students had to establish that the meander was shaped by fluvial forces of erosion, transportation and deposition. This required measuring the velocity, sinuosity, width and depth of the river in addition to undertaking an extensive Bedload Analysis

The students completed all the tasks successfully even though water level, current and volume were high, due to excessive rainfall in November.

The fieldwork component represents 20% of the Leaving Certificate Geography Examination and students are currently compiling the data, drawing conclusions from the results and evaluating the task.